NGS Library Preparation Applications and Kits

⬅️ NGS Handbook


NGS library construction involves preparing nucleic acids targets using a coordinated series of enzymatic reactions to produce a random collection of DNA fragments, of specific size, for high throughput sequencing. Advances and the development of new library preparation technologies have expanded the application of next-generation sequencing to fields such as transcriptomics and epigenetics. Techniques such as chromatin immunoprecipitation, microRNA expression analysis and PCR based mutation detection, have now been enhanced with high throughput sequencing based protocols: ChIP-Seq, Small RNA-Seq and Amplicon-Seq.

Improvements in sequencing technologies have also required changes and improvements to library preparation. Next generation sequencing library preparation kits, developed by companies such as Agilent, Bioo Scientific, Kapa Biosystems, New England Biolabs, Illumina, Life Technologies, Pacific Biosciences and Roche not only add consistency and reproducibility to standard molecular biology reactions, but also enable access to new preparation strategies and ensure compatibility with the latest NGS instrument technology.

Whether you construct your own next generation sequencing library or plan on outsourcing it to a service provider, it is important to understand the fundamental processing steps of each library preparation kit or protocol prior to sequencing. This guide is an overview of library preparation applications and kits that are in common use for next-generation sequencing. We will be continually adding details on more library applications and kits to this page. There are a variety of NGS providers on Genohub who offer library preparation services using the kits below. We'd be happy to help you identify the right library construction and sequencing solution for your projects. Just submit a request on our main page and one of our staff scientists will get in touch with you.

Exome Sequencing

Read more about exome sequencing and the current kits and protocols for this next-generation sequencing application.

See Genohub's up-to-date list of available Illumina Exome library prep services, or if you're doing your own library preparation see the list of facilities that offer Illumina sequencing.

Agilent HaloPlex (for the platform)
Agilent SureSelect (for the platform)
Agilent SureSelect QXT (for the platform)
IDT xGen (for the platform)
Illumina Nextera Rapid Capture (for the platform)
Illumina TruSeq (for the platform)
MYcroarray MYbaits (for the platform)
Roche Nimblegen SeqCap (for the platform)

DNA-Seq (Whole Genome) Sequencing

Read more about DNA sequencing and the current kits and protocols for this next-generation sequencing application.

See the up-to-date list of available library prep services on Genohub for the following applications:

Illumina Whole Genome DNA Seq library prep
Illumina DNA Hydroxymethylation library prep
Ion DNA library prep services
PacBio DNA template prep services

Or if you're doing your own library preparation see the list of facilities that offer Illumina sequencing, Ion PGM/Proton sequencing, PacBio sequencing.

Beckman SPRIworks Fragment Library (for the platform)
Beckman SPRIworks HT (for the platform)
Bioo Scientific NEXTflex DNA (for the platform)
Bioo Scientific NEXTflex PCR-Free (for the platform)
Bioo Scientific NEXTflex Rapid DNA (for the platform)
Illumina Nextera DNA (for the platform)
Illumina Nextera XT (for the platform)
Illumina TruSeq DNA (for the platform)
Illumina TruSeq DNA PCR-Free (for the platform)
IntegenX PrepX ILM DNA (for the platform)
Kapa DNA Library (for the platform)
Life Tech Ion Plus Fragment (for the platform)
NEB NEBNext DNA (for the platform)
NEB NEBNext Ultra DNA (for the platform)
NuGEN Encore Rapid Library (for the platform)
PacBio DNA Template Prep (for the platform)

Target Capture Gene Panels

Read more about Target Capture Gene Panels kits and applications.

See the up-to-date list of available library prep services on Genohub for Target Capture Gene Panels:

Illumina Target Capture Gene Panels

Agilent ClearSeq (for the platform)
Agilent ClearSeq Inherited Disease Panel (for the platform)
Agilent SureSelect Capture (for the platform)
Archer FusionPlex (for the platform)
Bioo Scientific NEXTflex (for the platform)
Illumina TruSight (for the platform)
Nimblegen SeqCap (for the platform)
Qiagen GeneRead (for the platform)


Read more about ChIP sequencing and the current kits and protocols for this next-generation sequencing application.

See Genohub's up-to-date list of available Illumina ChIP-Seq library prep services, or if you're doing your own library preparation see the list of facilities that offer Illumina sequencing.

Bioo Scientific NEXTflex ChIP (for the platform)
Diagenode iDEAL ChIP (for the platform)
Epigentek EpiNext ChIP (for the platform)
Illumina TruSeq ChIP (for the platform)

RNA Sequencing (mRNA or cDNA sequencing)

Read more about RNA-Seq and the current kits and protocols for this next-generation sequencing application.

See Genohub's up-to-date list of available library prep services for the following applications:

Directional RNA (polyA-selected) Illumina library prep services
Directional RNA (rRNA-depleted) Illumina library prep services
RNA (polyA-selected) Illumina library prep services
RNA (rRNA-depleted) Illumina library prep services

If you're doing your own library preparation see the list of facilities that offer Illumina sequencing.

Bioo Scientific NEXTflex Rapid Directional qRNA (for the platform)
Bioo Scientific NEXTflex Rapid Directional RNA (for the platform)
Bioo Scientific NEXTflex Rapid qRNA (for the platform)
Epicentre ScriptSeq (for the platform)
Gnomegen RNA Profiling Kit (for the platform)
Illumina TruSeq Stranded (for the platform)
NEB NEBNext Ultra Directional RNA (for the platform)
NEB Next Ultra II Directional RNA (for the platform)
Takara SMARTer (for the platform)

Small RNA Sequencing (microRNA-Seq)

Read more about small RNA sequencing and the current kits and protocols for this next-generation sequencing application.

See Genohub's up-to-date list of available Illumina Small RNA (microRNA) library prep services, or if you're doing your own library preparation see the list of facilities that offer Illumina sequencing.

Bioo Scientific NEXTflex Small RNA Seq v2 (for the platform)
Epicentre ScriptMiner (for the platform)
Illumina TruSeq Small RNA (for the platform)
NEB NEBNext Small RNA (for the platform)
Seqmatic TailorMix miRNA Kit v2 (for the platform)

Metagenomics Sequencing

Read about coverage, read length and workflow recommendations for metagenomics sequencing applications

See Genohub's up-to-date list of available Illumina Metagenomics Sequencing Services

16S Amplicon Sequencing

Read more about 16S rRNA sequencing and the current kits and protocols for this next-generation sequencing application.

See Genohub's up-to-date list of available Illumina 16S Amplicon-Seq library prep services, or if you're doing your own library preparation see the list of facilities that offer Illumina sequencing.

Bioo Scientific NEXTflex 18S ITS Amplicon (for the platform)

Mate-Pair Sequencing

Read more about Mate-Pair sequencing and the current kits and protocols for this next-generation sequencing application.

See Genohub's up-to-date list of available library prep services for the following applications:

Illumina mate pair (1-6kb) library prep services
Illumina mate pair (7-15kb) library prep services
Illumina mate pair (16-20kb) library prep services

If you're doing your own library preparation see the list of facilities that offer Illumina sequencing.

Illumina Nextera Mate Pair (for the platform)

Methyl DNA Sequencing

Read more about Methly DNA sequencing and the current kits and protocols for this next-generation sequencing application.

See Genohub's up-to-date list of available library prep services for the following applications:

Bisulfite-seq library prep services
RRBS library prep services
MeDIP library prep services
Targeted bisulfite library prep services

Bioo Scientific NEXTflex Methyl-Seq (for the platform)
Roche Nimblegen SeqCap Epi Kit (for the platform)

Single Cell DNA-Seq

Read more about single cell DNA sequencing and the current kits and protocols for this next-generation sequencing application.

See Genohub's up-to-date list of available Illumina Single Cell DNA library prep services, or if you're doing your own library preparation see the list of facilities that offer Illumina sequencing.

Qiagen REPLI-g Single Cell (for the platform)
Rubicon Genomics PicoPlex (for the platform)

Single Cell RNA-Seq

Read more about single cell RNA sequencing and the current kits and protocols for this next-generation sequencing application.

See Genohub's up-to-date list of available Illumina Single Cell RNA library prep services, or if you're doing your own library preparation see the list of facilities that offer Illumina sequencing.

Takara SMARTer Ultra Low Input (for the platform)

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