Complete Genomics DNBSEQ-T7

DNBSEQ-T7 is a sequencer released by Complete Genomics in November 2019. It is based on DNA Nanoball Sequencing.

Complete Genomics DNBSEQ-T7
Image of DNBSEQ-T7: by MGI


Manufacturer Complete Genomics
Technology DNA Nanoball Sequencing
Release date November 2019
Price [2]
Type Industrial
Weight 765 Kg
Supports real-time analysis No
Demultiplexing support Yes
File format FASTQ
Read length Complete Genomics DNBSEQ-T7: 2x100bp to 2x150bp
Run time Complete Genomics DNBSEQ-T7: 16 to 24 hours
Reagent cost per Gb [1] Complete Genomics DNBSEQ-T7: Unavailable
Data quality [3] Complete Genomics DNBSEQ-T7: ≥ 85% bases above Q30
Maximum output per run (Gb)[4] Complete Genomics DNBSEQ-T7: 7000.00
Primary error type [5] Substitutions
Notes about the specifications

  1. Cost per Gb: The cost per Gb is calculated by dividing the costs of sequencing reagents by the manufacturer’s maximum output per run. For these runs, the manufacturer may have included their own controls and used specific library preparation kits. Actual performance may vary based on sample and library type and quality, loading concentration, and other experimental factors. The sequencing reagent costs used for calculations do not include any other costs associated with preparing the samples or running the instrument, including reagents used for extraction, quality control or library preparation, labor, electricity, lab consumables, storage, etc. Performance metrics and prices are subject to change.
  2. Price: The final price may be different depending on the supplier, the region and any discounts provided through bulk orders or negotiation. Other factors that may influence the final price are warranty options, maintenance contracts, possible trade-ins of older instruments, and any financing arrangements chosen.
  3. Data quality: This is the maximum data quality that the instrument can offer based on manufacturer’s specifications and optimizations. The quality of a specific run will depend on multiple factors, including sample quality, sample quantity, library prep protocol, run conditions, etc.
  4. Maximum output: This is the maximum output of a full instrument run. This number is based on manufacturer’s specifications and optimizations.
  5. Primary error type: This is the most common type of error that may occur due to sequencing. Other types of error may occur as well.

More about the DNBSEQ-T7

The Complete Genomics DNBSEQ-T7, developed by MGI Tech, is a high-throughput next-generation sequencing platform designed to push the boundaries of throughput and flexibility. This sequencer is clearly geared towards the production-scale sequencing segment of the market, where large volumes of data are required for applications like:

  • Whole-genome sequencing (WGS) initiatives
  • Large-scale exome sequencing
  • Deep, high-resolution transcriptome analysis
  • Epigenomic profiling

It builds upon Complete Genomic's previous generation of DNBSEQ sequencers, incorporating significant upgrades for enhanced performance and throughput.

Key Innovations

The core innovation in the DNBSEQ-T7 lies in the proprietary DNBSeq technology. Here's how it works and the advantages it offers:

  1. DNA Nanoballs (DNBs): DNBSeq technology utilizes pre-formed DNA Nanoballs (DNBs) instead of the traditional sequencing-by-synthesis approach. These DNBs are structures composed of multiple copies of the original DNA fragment wrapped around a central core molecule. This significantly increases the number of copies available for sequencing compared to traditional methods where single DNA fragments are used. The higher density of target molecules on each DNB translates to a stronger signal during sequencing, ultimately improving data accuracy and reducing the sequencing time.
  2. Patterned Arrays: The DNBs are loaded onto a flow cell containing a surface engineered with a dense and precisely patterned array of binding sites. These sites bind single DNBs, and the patterned nature of the array ensures that each DNB is positioned optimally for sequencing, minimizing steric hindrance and maximizing the signal-to-noise ratio during sequencing. This patterned capture approach contributes to the DNBSEQ-T7's ability to generate high-quality data with low error rates.
  3. Combinatorial Probe Anchor Synthesis (cPAS): This MGI-developed sequencing chemistry represents a significant advancement in sequencing speed and accuracy. In cPAS, fluorescently labeled reversibly terminated probes are incorporated by a specific DNA polymerase in each sequencing cycle. The fluorescent probes are excited by light from a laser and then the image captured is used to determine the nucleotides. After each nucleotide incorporation cycle, a reagent is introduced that removes the fluorescent dye and prepares the DNBs for the next sequencing cycle.

Features and Technologies

  • Ultra-High Throughput: The DNBSEQ-T7 can output up to 7 Tb of data within 24 hours, making it one the highest-output sequencers in the market.
  • Flexibility: Four independent flow cells offer flexibility in run configuration and sample batching. Each flow cell can be run independently with PE100 and PE150 read lengths.
  • Upgraded Systems: Improvements in the biochemical, fluidics, and optical systems enhance sequencing efficiency, speed, and accuracy.
  • Data Quality: MGI's sequencing technology delivers high accuracy with low index hopping and duplication rates.

Intended Uses and Specific Applications

The DNBSEQ-T7 is ideal for sequencing projects requiring large amounts of data, such as:

  • Whole Genome Sequencing: Population-scale genomics, precision medicine studies, rare variant discovery (library prep kits: MGIEasy FS DNA Library Prep Set)
  • Deep Exome Sequencing: Targeted analysis of coding regions, variant detection (library prep kits: MGIEasy Exome Capture V4 Probe Set)
  • Transcriptome Sequencing: Gene expression profiling, alternative splicing analysis (library prep kits: MGIEasy Fast RNA Library Prep Set)
  • Epigenomic Sequencing: Methylation studies, chromatin accessibility analysis (library prep kits: MGIEasy Whole Genome Bisulfite Sequencing Library Prep Kit)

Comparison with Competing Instruments

  • Complete Genomics DNBSEQ-G400: Lower output and longer run times than the DNBSEQ-T7, but the DNBSEQ-G400 offers greater flexibility with its different types of flow cells and wider breadth of read lengths.
  • Illumina NovaSeq 6000: Offers less per-run data output than the DNBSEQ-T7 at similar run times, but it offers higher flexibility with its different flow cell types as well as both longer and shorter read lengths with slightly higher accuracy, especially at shorter read lengths.
  • Illumina NovaSeq X Plus: The highest data output Illumina sequencer currently available. When going for a similar output to the DNBSEQ-T7, the NovaSeq X has similar performance metrics—similar run time and accuracy—although the NovaSeq has more read length options available. At max capacity, however, the NovaSeq X Plus yields significantly higher output, albeit at much longer run times.

Special Considerations

The DNBSEQ-T7 represents a compelling option for researchers focused on very large-scale sequencing projects due to:

  • Cost-Effectiveness: Lower sequencing cost per gigabase compared to major competitors, making it suitable for budget-conscious, high-output studies.
  • Speed and Data Output: High sequencing output at a relatively fast speed for rapid turnaround of large projects.

Need sequencing done on a Complete Genomics DNBSEQ-T7 or a specific instrument? Tell us about your project here, and we'll connect you with a qualified provider.

This information on this page is up-to-date as of April 16, 2024 and based on the spec sheets published by the manufacturer.